Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Great Smurfing Idea

Just to show that this blog isn't all about doom and gloom, here is a much lighter post.

Sitting around with some work friends we started talking about compilers and writing a language. We somehow stumbled upon creating a computer language based off of the smurfs. Hear me out:

Threading would be built in by default. You application would be the Smurf_Village and each thread pool would a Smurf_Mushroom. This seems to lend itself to a message passing system between Smurf_Mushrooms. So each Smurf_Mushroom, and perhaps Smurf_Village, could talk to one another by Smurf_Letter.

The language would be object oriented. Every object would inherit from the root object, Papa_Smurf. New objects would be named based on what they do. So you could have Jokey_Smurf, Brainy_Smurf, Miner_Smurf, etc. So what/who would create all these other Smurfs? Why, Smurfette of course. She would be in charge of creating new Smurfs and putting them in their Smurf_Mushroom.

At some point you need to join your threads and get a result. Azrael would wrangle up all the Smurfs to supply the answer. At some point your Smurfs will need to die and the memory re-allocated. Gargamel would be the Smurf garbage collector.

What do you guys think? What's missing from this Smurf language?


BradfordW said...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Invoking Lazy_Smurf gives lazy evaluation. Your results may vary.